Affordable and Customizable DIY Pine Cone Flower Wreath

craft pine cone wreath DIY flower home

There are so many creative ways to decorate with wreaths and they are an easy DIY project that you can customize to your home and/or to the season. There are many different methods for making wreaths, from ribbon and wire to foam and faux flowers. The version I am sharing with you today features pine cones cut to mimic flowers.

wreath craft tools paint pine cone  supplies
All you need for this project is a wreath, pine cones, a cutting tool, paint,
paint brushes, a glue gun, and glue sticks.

The materials for this project are basic and you might already have them in your garage or craft space. I had most of the materials, but I purchased this wreath from Walmart for less than $5.

pine cone flower wreath pruning shears

I used pruning shears to cut the pine cones, but you could also use a saw or other cutting device. Some pine cones are pretty tough to cut, so I would not recommend using household scissors. Cutting the pine cones can also be pretty messy, so keep that in mind when you choose a place to cut them. They are so pretty, even without paint (which is why I kept some of mine natural). Each pine cone produces 2-3 “flowers” for your wreath. I arranged them around my wreath to determine how many I wanted to use.

pine cone wreath paint

After you have all your pine cone pieces cut, it is time to paint them (or not). I used one coat of acrylic paint on each pine cone. I added a different color to the middle of some flowers.

pine cone wreath DIY

After painting was complete, I laid out the flowers so I could determine how I would arrange them. I added in flowers until I loved the design. After I had the design down, I glued all the flowers on with hot glue.

wreath DIY craft pine cone flower decoration
My finished product!

I love the final look of this wreath. It has a spring and summer vibe, but keeping some natural pine cones and using this type of wreath kept it pretty neutral. This craft was affordable, easy, and you can really make it your own. Tag me in your creations or comment below so that I can see what you made!

Katie G.