Hello World

What’s in a name?

Every Katie knows that you are never the only Katie in a room and your “name tag” will always have your last initial. Everyone is a collection of ideas, experiences, hobbies, and memories. This is my collection, a collection of me, and I’m Katie G.

The Facts.

I was born in South Korea, but I was raised in the Midwest. I do not have any human children, but I am one of “those” dog moms (and a helicopter aunt, by the way). I love to travel, but I hate to be away from home. I love to be with my friends and family, but I cherish time spent alone because it helps me recharge. I love to shop and to have quality pieces, but I am frugal by nature and I can always find a sale. I think running can be a horrible chore, but I never regret a run I complete. My husband and I are very different, but he complements me in a way that no one else could. I love to cook, bake, and eat, but I do not eat meat and I cannot eat gluten. My day job is not very creative in the traditional sense, but I collect hobbies to balance it out.

The Collection.

My collection of interests is big and broad. I am guilty of picking up new hobbies I see in passing and ordering products I see online. While this might drive my husband crazy, it allows me to tell everyone when I stumble upon something that is GREAT or NOT so much.

Have I tried scrapbooking? I still try to do that one. Yoga? Oh, of course. Knitting? One year everyone in my office got scarves…Shopping? I’ll never stop. Personalized planners? Those materials are around here somewhere. Have I tried Stitch Fix? I get one every so often. What about Rent the Runway? I used it for seven months. Do I own a Cricut? Sure. Have I tried a meal kit delivery service? More than one. Do I own everything to give myself a gel manicure? Color Street? Yes. Yes. Do I go overboard for every holiday? Who, me?